This picture was taken at Neal's work. They had a Halloween party last Friday and the employees could bring their kids to the office for trick or treating. They had prizes for the kids' costumes. Josiah won a prize for his costume. He got a bag of Hershey bars (which was the best prize for him).

After going out trick or treating in our neighborhood with daddy.

Mommy & Josiah before he went out trick or treating. Mommy stayed at home because she had been having some contractions earlier that day.

Josiah is ready to head out the door for some candy.

Daddy and Josiah ready to go find some candy.
Josiah seemed to enjoy trick or treating. Neal said that Josiah almost walked into one of the houses while they were trick or treating. I guess Josiah wanted to find some more candy. We're pretty sure he would love to do this every night in order to get candy. :)
So great... thanks for sharing!