Miriam Mae Matthews was born on November 4, 2011 at 11:21 am. She weighed 7 lbs 6 oz and was 18 1/2 in long. The c-section went well. Miriam had some fluid left in her lungs, so she had to have some oxygen given to her for several hours. She is doing well now.
This is a picture of Robin the day before Miriam was born.
37 weeks

Family picture the morning of Miriam's birth.

Robin in the pre-op room

Waiting to go back to the OR for the c-section

Dr. Neal

Robin on the operating table ready for the c-section to begin

Right after Miriam was born

First photo with mom and dad


Miriam meeting the Edwards family

Josiah and Hannah
(Josiah kept hitting the nurse call button on mommy's bed)

Aunt Krista & cousin Nolan

Josiah with baby sister and Aunt Krista

Daddy and Miriam watching the big LSU/Alabama game on TV
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