Things are starting to slow down a bit on the house, but progress is still being made. Most of the changes in the past 2 weeks are not as dramatic as changes in previous posts.
Key developments in the past 2 weeks:
- The closing date is set for July 27th (Yay!)
- The dry wall is finished
- The flooring has been installed in the bathrooms and utility room
- The base-board trim is almost completely installed
- The garage door is installed
- All of the interior doors have been installed
- The fire place mantle and marble exterior has been installed
By the end of next week, they should have the caulking done, started applying the first coat of paint, started or finished installing cabinets, started installing plumbing fixtures, and installed locks on the doors so the house can be locked. Below are some pictures of the recent progress.
The outside is pretty much done with the exception of the porch columns!
The insulation has been blown into the attic!
The attic stair/door is installed. Also notice the interior doors.
The stair railing is now installed.
View from the master bedroom into the master bathroom. Notice the base boards and the door.
Flooring in the utility room.
Flooring in the master bathroom.
The fire place mantle and marble exterior.