Josiah got to have 3 birthday parties! Here are some pictures from those parties and a few from Christmas in SD.
We decorated Josiah's high chair. He thought we had gone crazy. :)

This was on Josiah's actual birthday, January 13. He really enjoyed his cake and ice cream.

Josiah posing with his monkey birthday cake that mommy made.

Josiah relaxing on his Mickey Mouse Clubhouse couch from Grandpa Lee Lee and Grandma Diana

Josiah modeling his new sweater that Grandma Diana made him.

This was his birthday party that we had at Robin's parents in SD while we were there for Christmas.

Aunt Megan made Josiah a Cookie Monster birthday cake.

This was Josiah's birthday party at Neal's parents in AR that we had while we were there for Christmas.

Josiah was a bit overwhelmed by the cake daddy made for him.

He didn't quite know what to think of the candle and us singing to him.

Daddy helped Josiah open his birthday gifts.

Josiah's cake, hat, and bib.

Josiah's monkey cake that mommy made.

Josiah made a little seat out of Grandma Diana's knitting basket.

Uncle Tim helping Josiah swing his Louisville Slugger bat.

Josiah enjoyed playing piano at Grandma and Grandpa's

Here's a video of Josiah playing piano. He's a natural. He automatically played chords. :)
Fantastic photo coverage!