Aunt Megan made Josiah a Cookie Monster birthday cake.
This was Josiah's birthday party at Neal's parents in AR that we had while we were there for Christmas.
On January 13, Josiah celebrated his 1st birthday. We can't believe it has been a year since we welcomed our sweet boy into this world. Here are some videos from the big day. We had 2 early celebrations over Christmas. We had one party with Neal's family in AR and another little party with some of Robin's family in SD.
In this video we are singing "Happy Birthday" to Josiah. He didn't really understand what was going on.
We gave Josiah a wagon for his birthday. This is his reaction when Neal brought the wagon in.
Josiah likes Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, so we gave him a musical card that has the "Hot Dog" song on it. The funny part of this is when Josiah opens the card and hears the song and he thinks it is coming from the TV which happens to have Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on with the sound off and we realized that they were doing the "Hot Dog" song on the show while Josiah was listening to the card. :)
Grandpa Lee Lee started working with Josiah this morning on his walking. We were all excited to see that all their hard work paid off....Josiah is now officially walking on his own!!!! He just barely made the cutoff for walking before his 1st birthday (he turns 1 tomorrow).
This is one of the many times he has been walking today.