Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Josiah's 6 Month Pictures

Last Saturday we went to Portrait Innovations to have Josiah's 6 month pictures taken. We had a hard time picking out pictures to order because our son is such a cutie! We did get a cd of all the pictures taken, so here are a few of them. Enjoy!

We just wanted to see if we could get Josiah to stand by himself next to the prop. This was the first picture we got of him standing & he was even smiling! As you can see, daddy was close by ready to catch him when he tipped over. :) We did order a bunch of this pose. They cropped out Neal's hand for the ones we ordered.
I uploaded these in the wrong order. If you scroll down a few pictures, you'll see that we started out with Josiah's name written with the blocks sitting in front of him. Then as we went along, he quickly moved past the blocks we had placed right by him to play with and started grabbing for the letters of his name.

Love this picture! We've joked that he needs to be wearing a smoking jacket and maybe holding a cup of coffee. :)

Close-up shot of the baby ring that belongs to my Grandpa Hansen. It became a family tradition to wear the ring for 6 month pictures. As you can see it's a beautiful Black Hills Gold ring.

These pictures really capture Josiah's love for his bath time. This is how happy he is during every bath!

Josiah at the beach.

Tummy time!

Our sweet 6 month old boy!!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Birthday Celebration!

Yesterday we celebrated Neal's birthday. He started off his day with a yummy breakfast (scrambled eggs, sausage patties & biscuits) made by me (Robin). Then Josiah & I gave him his birthday presents. Josiah gave him a cute poem about daddy's footprints & he put his footprints on the paper & we framed it. We also gave him shorts, a polo shirt, croquet set, goggles & nose plug for swimming, & a hair cutting cape for when I cut his hair. He had meetings all day at work, so he wasn't able to come home for lunch. When he got home, Josiah & I took him out for a steak dinner at The Chop House. After that we went home for cake & ice cream. I tested my cake baking & decorating skills out on his birthday cake. I still need to work on the decorating.

The cake.

Say "cheese"!

Josiah couldn't believe how bright daddy's cake got after we lit all the candles.

Blowing out the candles.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Trip to SD

Josiah made his second road trip to visit mommy's family in SD. He did better on this trip than he did in March. He was able to play with his toys and with mommy & daddy (we took turns sitting by him). Josiah was excited to see Grandma Diana & Grandpa Lee Lee. He also enjoyed seeing his aunts, uncles, cousins, & great grandparents. He got to meet mommy's friend Melodee, who was home for the month from her missionary work in Prague, & he saw mommy's friends Susan & her daughter Elli who is just 2 weeks older than Josiah. He also met mommy's other friend Danae & her family. We really enjoyed our week there.

Josiah started sitting up on his own just before we left for SD. He got better & better at it on our trip. This is his first time sitting up in a shopping cart. He thought he was big stuff.

At church on July 4. Notice our coordinating red, white & blue outfits.

Snoozing on one of our car rides.

The mosiqutoes were really bad towards the end of our stay there. Josiah loves going outside & he was getting ansy being inside. Grandpa came up with a brilliant idea. He opened a window & he & Josiah watched the birds flying outside the window. They had a nest just above that window in the eave of the house.

Josiah lounging in his jammies after his bath. Cousin Lauren enjoyed playing with him.

Cool dude!

Cousin Emma loved holding & kissing baby Siah.
Lauren enjoyed playing with Siah's play mat & toys.

One evening we all went for a wagon ride.
Neal & Josiah posing in front of the beautifully restored tractor (which was restored by Uncle Keith & cousin DJ).
Grandma & Grandpa with the grandkids.

Neal, Robin & Josiah after the wagon ride.
Josiah loves playing in the grass.
Uncle Tim riding the John Deere pedal tractor.

Lauren & Emma getting a turn on the pedal tractor.
Emma giving Siah more love.
Aunt Heidi & Josiah playing in the grass.
After our week in SD we headed to Cedar Rapids, IA to visit Aunt Tammy while Neal did work in Ames, IA & St. Joe, MO. We have videos to upload. Hopefully Neal can get those on here soon.