Monday, March 11, 2013


Here are some pictures from the past couple months.

At the end of January we enjoyed having Robin's brother Tim & his family here to visit.  We took a tour of the Grand Ole Opry.  That was the first time that we had been inside there.  It was interesting. 

Here is a picture of us outside the Opry.

Miriam, Lily, & Josiah watching some Veggie Tales.

Lily, Miriam, & Josiah checking out the fish at Bass Pro Shop

The next group of pictures are just random pictures from Feb. & Mar.

Miriam enjoying some scrambled eggs for breakfast.

We've gotten a few "snowstorms" this winter.  This is about as much as we got each time.

Josiah playing with his Thomas bubble maker that Aunt Meggie gave him for his birthday.

Miriam & Josiah "driving" the shopping cart at Kroger.

The only time Josiah sits still long enough for me to get a good picture.  :)

Miriam wanted to try on Josiah's LSU cap.  It fit perfectly.  Guess daddy needs to buy a new one for Josiah.  :)

Mommy's little helper.  
 Miriam modeling her new Easter dress & shoes.
 Josiah modeling his new Easter shoes.  (He didn't want to put on his Easter outfit for the picture.)