Thursday, September 30, 2010

Random pics of Josiah...

Here are a few random pictures I took of Josiah this week while Neal was gone to Mexico.

It became cool enough for Josiah to try out his John Deere boots that Uncle Tim and Aunt Heidi gave to him. He was still snoozing from the walk we took that morning.

Josiah has started finding things to get into. Josiah likes chewing on afghans (I have no idea why he likes putting those fuzzy things in his mouth). So he discovered that we keep our afghans in this basket.

Yesterday, I was in the living room with Josiah and I had looked away for a minute and turned back and saw he had figured out how to stand on the chair of his desk. It will only be a matter of time until he figures out how to climb up on the couch from this chair.

I don't have a picture, but Josiah got his 3rd tooth last week. It is one of the top front teeth. I think he is also starting to say the word no. Lately, that's a word we use often with him. :)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Happy Grandparents Day!!!!!

Josiah wanted to wish all his grandparents a very happy Grandparents Day and he wanted us to tell you he loves you all and misses you all very much!!!

Here's his video greeting for his grandparents:

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Past Few Weeks of Photos and Videos....

Josiah peeking over the sofa....

Grandma and Grandpa came in Late August
Josiah spending some quality time with Grandpa Lee Lee

Josiah, Robin, and Grandma Diana in the pool cooling off

Josiah having some playtime with his good friend Sarah last weekend

This act resulted in me lowering the mattress in Josiah's bed today

This is what happens when Josiah acts up (just kidding). He does like the new gates on the stairs though.

Josiah was excited for the LSU Tigers today since they were playing in Nashville.

He wore the hat most of the day and never tried to take it off.